Rocheandley Kwidama

Platform Engineer @ Quintor / BSc. Network and Security Engineering
Linux Enthusiast And Sometimes Windows

Waduhek are NFT'S ?!


A lot of people I’ve encountered recently have asked me about NFT’s, and honestly it’s a pretty confusing concept so I thought let me try to explain it in a simple way so here I go.

NFT == Non-Fungible token, still confused? all good.

Non-Fungible basically means that it’s unique ( in value) and u cant trade for something else. Think like Pokemon cards, If you have a shinny Charizard card and u want to trade it for a Magikarp. One would think U’ve lost it. that’s the same concept that NFT uses. This is completely opposite to for example Bitcoin where if you were to trade 1 Bitcoin with someone for another Bitcoin, you guys both have 1 Bitcoin in value.

For the nerds

Now lets get a little bit deeper, NFT are basically part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a crypto currency, just like Bitcoin, but what makes NFT so special is that it’s blockchain can store extra information like music, digital drawing , basically any digital media which make it work different than typical Ethereum coins. Basically, An NFT is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, which can be sold and traded. The NFT can be associated with a particular digital or physical asset (such as a file or a physical object) and a license to use the asset for a specified purpose.

Well honestly, it’s just a hype, and like us humans we follow anything that’s currently trending especially if it has money involved. After some people started discovering how much money they can make trading NFT’s, the market skyrocketed, especially if people like Elon Musk tweet about it

So where do I buy?

Well if u wanna get in the hype and also be the owner of an NFT which can be later valued to $69 million like this guy. I personally use this website, it has a great collection and purchasing is pretty easy. Just connect your ETH wallet and u can purchase any NFT u like.