Rocheandley Kwidama

Platform Engineer @ Quintor / BSc. Network and Security Engineering
Linux Enthusiast And Sometimes Windows

Windows 11


The windows 11 experience.

I’ve been using windows 11 for 3 weeks now and I’ve got to say, the windows experienced has been significantly improved.
What I like the most about it is the smoothness. The experience feels very polished and something I really appreciate is the new notification sounds. In Windows 10 I found them quite sharp. In windows 11 they have been dimmed down to be less intense on the ears. Check them out Here to see what I mean.


The holy saviour himself, Windows Subsystem for Linux. Back in the days I used to have a dual boot setup so I can do my school work or develop on. However developing on windows and figuring out environment variables is just not it. Luckily windows introduced the WSL which acts like a Linux virtual machine that sits directly on the Linux kernel. This remove the need to use virtual machines.

In Windows 10 the installation of WSL was a bit of a hassle. In windows 11 that processed has been simplified. Now with just a simple: wsl --install
in PowerShell and your done.

Final verdict

All by all Windows 11 has a very refreshing look to it, Windows apps can now be managed via a the cli windows package manager win-get, the wallpapers are refreshing and the quality of the operating system just feels solid. The updates are more controlled now, meaning less update pop ups. Can’t believe I’m about to type these words, but I think windows has finally done it.

W11 Update 1


Uh-ohh did I speak too soon?
So since last week I’ve been dealing with this pretty annoying issue where my WSL environment fails to start. Apparently it’s an issue with my current windows 11 build working together with hyperV. I’ve updated my system and the error seems to be gone patched. What’s still bugging me though is that I’ve already applied this hotfix before and I got this issue again, and since WSL is my main development environment it’s very annoying to restart my pc every time this issue arrives. Hopefully this update fixed this issue.